One-of-a-kind data collection to drive decisioning

Obtain SKU-level insights you never thought possible – at a fraction of the cost. Trax provides the data you need to optimize retail presence and drive growth only where it matters.

store health

Signal-Based Insights features

Advanced insights driving actionable

How Signal-Based Insights works

Unmatched advantages for your business
store health
Signal Generation

Trax collects a comprehensive and continual array of SKUs and shelf images from key retailers nationwide. We ensure a robust and accurate representation of store conditions, capturing valuable data that reflects real-world scenarios.

Data Output

Our AI-engines transforms in-store insights into actionable intelligence in real time. Data is delivered through a customizable, drill-down dashboard, providing detailed SKU-level information and images. This granularity lets you easily track performance metrics and spot trends that impact your business continuously.

Informed Decisions

With Trax’s advanced data analysis, you’ll uncover critical store-level insights. This valuable information enables informed decisions based on real-time in-store conditions, helping you optimize inventory management, merchandising strategies, and overall retail performance.

The numbers speak for themselves

Trax’s stats give you a clear advantage

Case studies

Results to help our clients’ win




ヘンケルでは、Trax の分析情報を活用して棚割を最適化することにより、営業担当者が収益創出により多くの時間を費やせるようになりました。

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