Within the Pet Category, Mars Petcare noticed that the retail environment was evolving with significant item expansion within the category due to new brands entrants, emerging trends, innovative line extensions and brands shifting across channels.

With this mass SKU proliferation, shoppers are becoming overwhelmed and begin to navigate the aisle by color and deselect the rest of the aisle. This means that the shopper does not notice the variety of options and the retailer does not get credit for its wide assortment and manufacturers can’t drive awareness of their products at the shelf.

To solve for this, Mars Petcare created a circular multi-stage process that places the shopper’s needs at its core. The goal of the process is to better understand shopper behavior, and to find ways to drive conversion at the shelf. This process allows Mars to create partnerships with retailers, to be thought leaders and to mutually grow the category.

Catch Susan Garrett, Team Lead Dog MM Category Insights, Pet Nutrition North America in this webinar as she shares how Mars has been able to track and define future perfect store conditions and is able to help the teams they service with analytics to improve overall performance and execute the perfect store.